Wheatgrass Juice: Drink, Enjoy, Live

wheatgrass juice

Wheatgrass juice is a true health StarMaker. When a person is healthy and has vitality, he or she feels like a Star. So anything that naturally helps you get healthy quickly is an automatic Ultimate StarMaker.  A great way to get the most bang for your buck is to go for the “superfoods,” that have highest nutritional value.

Wheatgrass Juice Superfood Is An Ultimate StarMaker

Wheatgrass juice: why it’s such a healthy StarMaker. There are SO many reasons why drinking wheatgrass juice has immense health benefits. Its benefits to overcoming a vast array of common health challenges have been well documented.  Disclaimer: Before I go any further, please talk with your doctor about whether wheatgrass is right for you.  I am not a doctor.

Wheatgrass Juice: Below are just a few of the more well-known reasons.

Look into it for yourself, and discover a whole new world of healthy living. The thing that strikes me the most about when I drink wheatgrass regularly is how FAST it works. Feel free to do your own research, as there are countless sources of great information for this amazing life giving gift from our planet.

A word on the taste: it is an acquired one. It tastes, well, grassy. Also sort of sickly sweet and pungent. It can be added to other juices to tone that down. I prefer it straight up, on an empty stomach. Sometimes I have to hold my nose.

I have found the foamy stuff that forms when you juice it or have it juiced tastes worse so I scrape that off. However, miracle of all miracles, there is a link below for Dynamic Greens, flash frozen cubes of wheatgrass that are grown outdoors instead of indoors.

I can’t tell you the difference it makes in taste. Best wheatgrass in the whole world, in my humble opinion. And I’ve tried them all. You can also grow and juice it yourself, get it in tablet form, or even powder form. Do what works best for you, your schedule, your budget…just get its healing benefits into your body! 🙂

More reasons why it’s so healthy to drink Wheatgrass Juice:

Even More reasons why Wheatgrass Juice is such a healthy StarMaker:

Some more interesting facts and benefits about Wheatgrass Juice:

This is the best wheatgrass by far!  If budget allows, get it get it get it! Your body will thank you for it.

Dynamic Greens

*affiliate relationship. This is my favorite form of wheatgrass, full health benefits without any of the hassle and problems that can come from trying to grow it yourself. I love it because it saves me time, money, and it’s so easy to use. I also love the taste of this wheatgrass juice the best of all.  It does not form the mold that other wheatgrasses do, which dramatically makes it more palatable and easy to drink, with no “wheatgrass flashbacks.” 😉

*research source material for this post partly derived from and credited to , not an affiliate relationship, just a great and informative site!

Check out this video demonstration of how simple and easy it is to use the unique flash frozen wheatgrass cubes from Dynamic Greens

COMMENT & SHARE: Please share your successes, accomplishments, and experiences about how drinking wheatgrass juice, or other green juices has helped you to become an authentic superstar in your own right.  How did it change your life, your health? Share your inspiring stories! Also comment below if you are excited about this idea, and wish to interact with others who are too.  We love to hear from you! 🙂

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