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Women Over 35: You Are Not Going Crazy!

women over

Women Over 35: This post is about something extremely personal and life-changing for me.  It’s about a subject I knew nothing about. Even though it’s perfectly natural.  No one ever told me.

I had no idea what could potentially come my way…until it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Until my entire world turned upside down two years ago, and I’ve been trying to stabilize it ever since.

But not before it wreaked such havoc in my life. It is called peri-menopause, and it’s a subject of such grave importance that I must put aside my lone wolf ways and talk about it.  I am going to share on this site what I only wish someone would have told me.

If even one woman over 35 finds this post and it helps her, I will feel on top of the world…

First of all, what is peri-menopause?  It’s the early onset of the hormonal changes that happen as a woman approaches the transition of her reproductive cycle.  This stage can happen over the course of 10, even 15 years prior to actual menopause.

Some women are completely asymptomatic.  Lucky ladies! Many of us, as early as our mid to late 30’s are having peri-menopausal symptoms.  I started having them at age 40, which is quite normal.  Only I did not know about this stage.  All I knew was that probably sometime in my 50’s I would go through menopause.

So, blindsided, I suffered alone with these debilitating health challenges:

  • Heart palpitations / chest pain (thought I was having a heart attack)
  • Itchy crawly skin from head to toe. (I would have bleeding scratchmarks all over myself from digging into my skin).
  • My hair was coming out in large balls as I combed it
  • Vertigo
  • Mild hot flashes (which I though was a sensitivity to niacin, that I was getting the “niacin flush,” this is how slow on the uptake I was).
  • Insomnia-severe
  • Joints, bones severely aching
  • Anxiety/Panic attacks out of nowhere
  • Brain fog, Memory lapses
  • Uncontrollable rage
  • Off the chart PMS (I always had very normal, hardly any PMS symptoms before)
  • Migraines
  • Crying spells for no reason
  • Inability to make clear decisions (lost my Spock-like logic I was famous for)

These are just a few of the more common symptoms.  And they were enough to turn my entire world upside down.  I thought I was dying.  It took me almost a year and a half to figure out what was going on, I kid you not!

Yes, there is an upside to all of this…

What I discovered was that my symptoms would be easily abated by simply balancing my hormones, specifically one called progesterone.  There is a ton of information out there about peri-menopause now, and more gets discovered every day.  I had the symptoms of estrogen dominance.

I decided to go with a natural wild yam supplement called Progestelle, which you can get below. This is not an affiliate link. I just want you to know about it, because I feel like this stuff helped save my life, or my sanity at the very least.

Possible Solutions for Women Over 35:

Progestelle – it is an oil that you rub into your skin at night.  That’s it. Couldn’t be easier.

I also take:

Evening Primrose Oil. This stuff is cheap, but wow, it works fast.

Maca: is an adaptogenic root out of Peru that women have been taking for centuries there. It’s so balancing for the hormonal system, that it is reported that the women there don’t even go through peri-menopause and their menopausal stage is practically asymptomatic!

Dietary: I had been eating edamame and many other soy based foods, rosemary, and taking lavender baths, which all have an estrogenic on the body, thus adding to the surplus. So those had to be eliminated…for now. 🙁

Wheatgrass juice: drinking wheatgrass juice either live, powder form, or even pressed caplet form has been extremely helpful in keeping my hormones balanced. I get it in my system any way I can, whenever I can.

THE RESULTS: Right away with the Progestelle and the EPO, the heart palpitations went away instantly.  I have not had one since then.  The itchy skin started subsiding right away, and was also almost entirely gone within a month.  My hair stopped falling out after about three months of progressively happening less and less.

Emotional healing: it also forced me to seek out the most advanced, effective, and rapid ways to overcome extremely negative emotional states. I absolutely had to! I could no longer shake them off like I used to. So that’s at least one good thing that has come out of it. Click on the words emotional healing to discover what I uncovered in my exhaustive, desperate research.

What a relief!  I am starting to feel more and more like myself again.  🙂

The other symptoms are dissipating as well.  It’s all a balancing act.

Here is the great part…

Now that I know what is happening, I know what to expect next, and I can head it off at the pass before the symptoms get too unbearable.  Remember how peri-menopause has too much estrogen and that causes all the problems?  Well, when a woman gets closer to menopause, she becomes estrogen deficient, the opposite problem, with the same symptoms coming back.

When I reach that point, I will simply take natural estrogen, and add edamame and rosemary back into my diet, and can take long lavender baths again, yay! 🙂

I know this is a brief post, but just like all of my other posts, I’m not trying to overwhelm people with too much at once.  Do your own research on this subject, if you think you might be going through it.  Or if you are a man whose wife, girlfriend, sister, etc. seems to be acting differently than she used to, or complains of these symptoms, tell her to get her hormones checked.  It’s important!

No one has to go through this alone!Life can be good again!

COMMENT & SHARE: Please share with us what helped you or a woman in your life with peri-menopause or menopause, how she did some very simple things that made such a huge difference.  Tell us how you took control and became the authentic SuperStar of your own life again! Please share with others what you only wish you knew.   We love to hear from you! 🙂

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